Install Cydia Without Iailbreak

Install Cydia Without Iailbreak

Are you tired of jailbreaking your iPhone just to install Cydia? Jailbreaking can void your warranty and potentially compromise the security of your device. Fortunately, there are ways to install Cydia without jailbreaking. In this article, we'll show you how to download and install Cydia on your iPhone without jailbreaking.

What is Cydia?

Cydia is a popular third-party app store for iOS devices that allows users to download apps, tweaks, and themes that are not available on the official App Store. However, Cydia can only be installed on a jailbroken device, which means that you have to modify the iOS system to install it.
The good news is that you can now install Cydia without jailbreaking your device. There are several methods to do this, and we'll explore them in detail below.

Method 1

Using a Third-Party App Store

One of the easiest ways to install Cydia without jailbreaking is by using a third-party app store such as Zappfree, or TuTuBox Lite. These app stores offer a wide range of apps and tweaks, including Cydia.
Here's how to install Cydia using Zappfree:

  1. Open Safari on your iPhone and go to
  2. Tap the "Download Zappfree App" button
  3. Once Zappfree is installed, open it and go to the "Most Popular App" section.
  4. Tap the "Install" button and wait for the app to be downloaded and installed on your device.

Download Zappfree App

Method 2

Using Cydia Impactor

Another way to install Cydia without jailbreaking is by using Cydia Impactor. Here's how to install Cydia using Cydia Impactor:

  1. Download Cydia Impactor from
  2. Connect your iPhone to your computer using a USB cable
  3. Open Cydia Impactor and select your device from the list.
  4. Drag and drop the Cydia IPA file onto Cydia Impactor.
  5. Enter your Apple ID and password when prompted.
  6. Wait for Cydia to be installed on your device.

Download IPA

Method 2

Using an Online Jailbreak Tool

If you don't want to use a third-party app store or Cydia Impactor, you can also use an online jailbreak tool such as zJBtool. This method doesn't require a computer, but it may not work on the latest versions of iOS 15 to iOS 16.4 and 16.4.1 .
Here's how to install Cydia using zJBtool:

  1. Open Safari on your iPhone and go to
  2. Once Zappfree is installed, open it and go to the "Customization App" section.
  3. Install "zJBtool app" On your iPhone or iPad
  4. Select your favorite online jailbreak tool such as Palera1n XinaA15, Cheyote, Odyssey, Unc0ver and Electra
  5. Once your device is jailbroken, open Cydia and start downloading your favorite tweaks and apps

Download zJBtool


Q:Can I install Cydia without jailbreaking?

A:Yes, you can install Cydia without jailbreaking by using a third-party app store, Cydia Impactor, or an online jailbreak tool.

Q:Is it safe to install Cydia without jailbreaking?

A:Yes, it is safe to install Cydia without jailbreaking if you use a reputable source and follow the instructions carefully.

Q:What can I do with Cydia?

A:Cydia allows you to download apps, tweaks, and themes that are not available on the official App Store. You can customize your iPhone, enhance its functionality